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Book Your First SessionHi! My name is Harini and I am from Corona, California. I graduated from Centennial High School and I currently attend the University of California, Berkeley.Some of my hobbies include playing tennis and soccer, as well as watching Netflix.
UC Berkeley
Academic Interests
I am planning to double major in biology and public health to pursue either a pre-med or pre-dental track.
This mentor is currently finalizing their calendar availability. To schedule a session, please email us your preferred time slots at [email protected]. We'll coordinate with the mentor and confirm your session as soon as possible.
High School
Centennial High School
Test optional
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Regular Decision
Played on the varsity team for 4 years. Number 1 singles player for 2 years and co-captain for 1 year. CIF quarter-finalist and Top Academic Athletic team in Riverside county. Led team exercises, organized fundraisers, created rosters, and planned our banquet. Set an example through my work ethic and built an inclusive environment for my teammates.
4 years
Played on the club team for 8 years. Co-Captain for 2 years, responsible for management of players during games. Was the starting outside defender for this premier level team. Being on this team has taught my versatility as I had to adapt to different positions for certain games. State cup champions in 2020. Received MVP award in 2020 for season.
8 years
Played on JV for 1 year and Varsity for 2 years. Built close relationships with my teammates. Was the starting outside defender and midfielder. Learned communication and teamwork skills through practices and matches. Received the scholar athlete award.
3 years
Active member for 3 years. Attended multiple conferences, workshops and service events. As the historian, I updated the social media, led presentations and was involved in member recruitment. Assisted with managing the March of Dimes service event to help premature babies. FBLA helped me improve my networking skills and leadership skills.
3 years
Active member of Centennial's Key Club for 4 years. Expanded on my passion for this club as I took on the historian position for Division 15 South for 1 year. Helped organize division events and prepared division for big events such as Fall Rally and Region Night Market. In charge of taking pictures at events and creating recap videos for members.
4 years
Worked 1-2 days tutoring students from K-12 grades. Responsibilities included helping students with math homework, difficult math concepts and preparing for math tests. Learned communication and patience skills as I catered my instruction to each student's preferred learning style. Taught students study habits and aided with academic improvement.
2 years
Participated in Girl Scouts for 8 years. Earned various badges for the different skills I mastered. Participated in community service events such as gift wrapping, making care packages for veterans, and fundraising for many causes. Sold 800 cookie boxes a year to meet my goals. Enhanced outdoor, marketing, and first aid skills.
8 years
Participated in Taekwondo for 6 years. Received a second degree black belt from Action Martial Arts dojo. Attended many practices, bootcamps and competitions. Learned self-defense, discipline, and self-esteem skills. As a second degree black belt, I served as a role model and would help lower level students practice their technique.
6 years
Shadowed Dr. Anuradha Sathya, a family practice physician. Purpose of this program was to model what a career in biology would have been like within a professional environment. Learned how to properly interact with patients and recognized the importance of monitoring patient's health and medical history.
7 years
Performed this form of cultural dance for 11 years. Participated in several performances and picked up on more complex choreography as I grew. Learned more about my Sri Lankan culture and my family's heritage.
11 years
Award was based off my winning record throughout the season. Always work my hardest on the court to win. Practiced for 7+ hours a week through school practices and outside practices with my teammates to enhance my tennis skills.
Received 4th place at State for Marketing event. Placed 2nd at Inland Section competition and moved on to State. After placing top 4 at State, we moved on to the Nationals competition. Spent around a month studying marketing concepts through flashcards and practice tests. Practiced presentations for role play events with our FBLA chapter.
Received the Certificate of Merit award for 4 levels in piano. Received state honors for 1 year. Worked with my teacher for a year, practicing 2-3 times a week to master all the required components of this test.
Received a 3 or higher on 4 of my AP exams. I took various AP classes and spent hours studying the content for each of the tests. Utilized various resources such as prep books, study guides, and online websites to understand the material.
Division Leadership Team HIstorian Award.